When you’ve got some downtime and want to explore aspects of who you are, or get some guidance on potential career paths, take a look at the best free online personality tests I’ve compiled below. Whether you’re interested in general information about your personality, or emotional intelligence-related insight, you’re bound to learn something. 16 Personalities Personality Perfect Human Metrics TestColor Crystal 123Test TestQ.com Interpersonal Skills assessment Sokanu Berkeley Emotional Intelligence VeryWellMind Empathy Quotient
life is a manifestation of where you direct your energy if I took energy and I invest it into something negative it will grow and become more negative. if I took energy invested in something positive it will grow and become more positive. Energy has no ability to discriminate between what is positive and what’s negative wherever you invest energy into starts to grow and manifests into your life. You are the sum total of where you’ve been investing your energy throughout your entire life. The goal in life is really to figure out what it is that you want. What is your purpose is in life? who and what is important in your life and to be able to Direct Energy towards that so that you can manifest that in your life.