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 Motivation, what does that really mean? How do we lose it? Where do we get it!?
Motivation: (n)
1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
Business dictionary-
Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal.
Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way. An example is a student that spends extra time studying for a test because he or she wants a better grade in the class.
Some words that may help innovate your motivation! Change the way you look at it. Write motivating post it’s ( encouragement, self support) and leave them in the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, work. Some times our fuel gets low and we need to fill up again. You don’t have to wait till you’ve reached your goal to feel empowered. Feel it with every step you make!
We lose our motivation in many ways in life. Stress, depression, not believing in our selves, interest change, no desire, lack of encouragement, blockages, laziness, and so on. So we just give up and toss the towel.
For those who feel or think they don’t have a support system in play, be your own cheerleader. You will thank your self later! Very beneficial for getting to know yourself better and learning what youre really made of!!


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